Fully forest dependent people without Land. The red group are the poorest and have maximum dependence on forest for livelihood for a greater part of the year. Yellow Group: Partially forest dependent people with upto 2.5 Acres of Land. Yellow group families are partially dependent. Green Group: Indirectly forest dependent people that influence Red & Yellow groups for their forest dependency and own lands above 2.5 Acres. Green groups are not directly but indirectly dependent. The categorizing process into colours based on the nature and the intensity of forest dependency which very often coincides with economic status of the people.
The World Bank project provided an outlay of Rs.50000/per village/hamlet for undertaking critical entry point activities, this came handy in undertaking some works identified by the people themselves and which were of help to all members in village temple/ church, building a community meeting place, a ration shop and so on. The KMTR –eco development program will receive 25% of cost from the local people to make the entire process participatory.